Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Rule of Right now.

I've never been a big fan of social networking sights myself. I see the uses in them as ways of communicating, killing time, and probably one of the best advertising tool on the internet, second only to Google and other internet giants. But It's starting to bug me how reliant people are on what people think and say over these sights. I honestly think that if someone isn't willing to say something to your face, then they don't deserve the right of being able to say it online. Free speech is truly a beautiful thing, but our generation is too dim to see that it actually has constructive uses, and are too ignorant to see that they only uses for that of destruction.

I joined facebook simply as a way to keep keep in contact with certain people, and did spend the occasional hour browsing it, but I stop at that. But now there's this twitter thing, and from what it's been described as to me, I refuse to use it. It seems as though to be a large blog that wants to be facebook and a million person chat room at the same time. Just the very idea of it annoys me to no end. the fact that people need to put so much of their life on the internet and keep in contact with people that either have absolutely nothing to do with them, or even are too lazy or addicted to sharing every moment of their life with the outside world that they won't actually hang out with these people. When I was informed of twitter and what it was, 9/10's of me wanted to go home and delete myself from all social networking sights just because I realized at that very moment that my entire generation was ignorant to true socialization, and would rather talk to someone over MSN than face to face.

I am not the best example of this as I do spend a lot of time on my computer, but I am almost always working towards something constructive. Hell, half the time I have myself set to appear offline on MSN simply because I'm sick of the internet drama of uselessness of the usual "Hey,Hi,What's up?Nothing,you?Nothing." conversations. Just writing this whole things has brought me to the point of wanting to drop all of this fad and actually go do something constructive.

Just the fact that people are so worried about being forgotten or ignored that they have to post every little thing they do somewhere were millions of people can comment on and talk about just outright pisses me off. My generation, and the ones around it, need to learn to grow the fuck up, and get a life.

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