Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pope's speach on HIV

Aye, it was true that what he said really didn't make a whole lot of sense, and most likely shouldn't have been said, but someone has to look at his side.

I don't entirely agree with what he said either, but there may have actually been pretext to it, not just his opinion.

First off, maybe he was saying that condoms don't prevent HIV/AIDS because of the fact that it can also be a blood disease or that people might not always use them, even if they are available.

Maybe he meant that rather than spenduing the money to send condoms over, maybe we should be sending over things like cannaed food or ways to purify dirty water.

Maybe he even meant that even if they use condoms, its still might not stop the flow of HIV/AIDS.

The other thing that he said is really the part that's eating away at people and has people jumping down the throat of te pope. Before I go on, I do want to make it clear that I, in no way, support any organised religion. I'm a Deist, look it up. I'm simply choosing to play the devil's advocate (No pun intended).

Saying that Condoms don't prevent HIV/AIDS, but that they can increase the chances of it can kind of be an iffy subject. We do know that it's scientifically proven that Condoms do help prevent the spread of HIV, but I think I have a half decent guess as to what the pope meant by such a thing.

Maybe he meant that giving the condoms for free to africans would encourage more sex, and when there aren't any condoms left, they won't stop. This could mean that condoms would only help it spread, very lossely, but nonetheless.

Some people say that if there was a reason behind what the pop said that he should have said it. I agree with this to a point, but does he really need to? He's the freaking Pope ! He has more power over world events than most, if not all, country leaders.

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